Monday, March 21, 2016

The Quickest Way to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

If you go down to your local gym, you will see that there are many people who are trying to build muscle. Nowadays, you can find a sort of fancy weight resistance equipment in the gym. But, the fact is, if you want to build muscle, you don't need to use all those fancy equipment. In fact, free weights will be much better for you.

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If you want to build big muscles fast, then it is important that you do weight resistance exercises that utilises you major muscle groups. Doing hundred bicep curls is not the smartest thing to do if your aim is to grow big fast. That is because your biceps aren't really one of your big muscle groups.

Instead, you should concentrate on exercises that work your chest, back, and legs. Your chest, back, and legs and your three major muscle groups. By working on them, you will be utilising more of your muscles as compared to just training your biceps or abs.

For your chest, the bench press is the simplest and yet most effective exercise there is ever. Make sure you go for heavier weights rather than for more repetitions. In fact, it is counter productive to do too many repetitions. Stick to three sets of eight repetition will be fine. Don't be tempted to do more. There is no point overworking your muscles because it will hinder your muscle growth instead.

For your legs and back, the ultimate exercise has to be the barbell squat. This time tested exercise really works your entire body and gets all your muscles involved. If you want to have great gains fast, this is one exercise that you should include in your workout routine.

Posture is of utmost importance when you do the barbell squat. This is because you can easily hurt your back if your posture is bad. The barbell squat is an extremely intense exercise that demands all of your focus. Also, make sure you do the barbell squat with the safety racks. Don't attempt to lift the barbell straight from the ground and put it on your shoulders. You will just risk hurting yourself.

If you do the barbell squat properly and safely, you will be able to see results real fast. In as short as eight weeks, you can see the difference in your muscle growth. It is really the best exercise there is to grow your muscles fast and big.

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